January has been a tough month in Delaware: temperatures way lower than usual, and strong wind gusts. Add to that discomfort the danger of walking on ice and you'll understand why, when the temperatures and wind began to moderate, I was keen to get out with my cameras.
I love shooting with film and then scanning the negatives. In this post are some shots I took with a classic black and white film, Ilford HP5+, and color shots taken with Fuji Color 400.
I used a Leica III for the black and white shots. That camera of mine, manufactured in 1955, requires considerable skill to use, even in loading the film. However, the effort is worth it, because the lens, a 50mm Tesser, produces such lovely classic images. For the color shots I used a Nikon FM3A, reputed to be the best Nikon mechanical camera ever made. Its production run, which began in 2001, was short lived because digital cameras soon took over the market.
I have read that young photographers are experimenting with film these days. Hooray! Glad to have you on board because your purchasing power will help keep film alive. If you're among those newcomers, this article might help you select which film stocks to try: https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/buying-guides/best-film.
liked the little streak of warm sunlight in "winter's setting sun"